Watch a video only once | XM Community
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I want to prevent people from seeing a video I uploaded to qualtrics from Youtube more then once.

Does anyone know how can I do that?

I'm no coding wizard but I've heard of people creating an empty div box and putting it over the youtube video so if a respondent tries to click replay, they'll just be clicking on the box and not the youtube button.
You could use the Youtube iFrame API to trigger the next page button, or iframe destruction when the video ends.

What I did (and tomorrow I'll check it with a pre-test), is to take the Iframe from youtube, disable the buttons (full-screen is available via double click), and I think it's a good solution as viewers won't have the option to do multiple viewing, am I wrong?
Here is the link for the draft survey I created, although its written in Hebrew, you can follow the video and understand my need.

I still can't figure out how to prevent viewers from viewing the clip more than once, I've got the clip resized so I can upload it to Qualtrics library if that's going to make any difference. By enabling viewers to view the video more than once, I've got no validity on my research.

Thanks again for all the help and support.

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