Combine similar questions to show results | XM Community
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Hi all! New to Q and wondering if someone can help me out. Any information is appreciated.

Background: Evaluation has 5 instructor blocks in it. All have the same 4 questions (likert scale 1-5) regarding organization, participation, enthusiasm and knowledge and then 1 open ended comment. Our Instructor Led Training, can have up to 5 different facilitators. HOWEVER, not every class has 5 instructors. For Example: I can teach a course and be the lead instructor #1, and then the next day teach a different course and be the co-instructor - Instructor #2.

Problem to solve: I am creating a dashboard for our facilitators that shows them the results of the evaluations regardless which numbered trainer they were during a session (IE: Fac 1, 2, etc). I just want them to see their results. I don't want to have to create 25 different widgets to show them results based on which numbered trainer they were. This # means nothing to them.

Does anyone else have a similar issue? How can I create widgets that combine instructor 1-5 organization question into one widget, then instructor 1-5 participation into one widget, etc. I tried field groups, but apparently I'm doing something incorrect. Any thoughts, suggestions or support resources you can guide me to? I tried searching, but I don't know enough about the terminology in Q yet to be effective.

Field group will not works as in field group you have to add your all variables (25). Since you have 25 variables (in groups of 5's wherein they have similar questions). To visualize this as in 5 widgets you have to do data Stacking first and then uploading this stacked data in some survey and using this in your vocalize.
From what you have explained, I would suppose that the likert scale questions could go into a field group: add a field in the vocalize dashboard settings, name it (e.g. Matrix), then add the 5 likert scale questions underneath as number sets.

Then in vocalize, you can design your widgets, copy it for each instructor and use the filter to make separate widgets (make sure the instructors are set as embedded data in the vocalize dashboard seetings so that you can select them as filter). Or, to minimise the number of widgets, you can show each instructor in comparison.!

I hope I understood your issue correctly and this all makes sense.
Would it be possible to change the set up of your survey to have a block for each instructor? You could then manipulate the order in the survey flow as appropriate by class. But the underlying question number and IDs would stay the same because it is the same block across surveys. Then for reporting you would be pointing to the same question and not have to figure out how to get it to filter.
I do have them in different blocks. The integration file comes over, and if there is a facilitator listed for FAC#1 they get the block of questions, then it branches to FAC#2, and so on. If there is a facilitator listed, they get that block...if there is not a facilitator listed then the branching stops. Screen shot attached. Not sure if this is helpful.

@AMLS you may consider changing this from a generic Facilitator 1, 2, 3, ect. to the Blocks connecting to a certain individual. Your logic would change slightly so that the Facilitator blocks are assigned to a certain person and not the number of the slot for that class. See the screen clipping below. You would repeat it for Facilitator 2, 3, ...

But then your data for Instructor Doe, Instructor Smith, and Instructor Johnson are always collected in the same variable and you don't have to figure out how to net it on the back end. But you can also control the order that the facilitators appear in the survey dynamically with the nested branching logic.

> @bstrahin said:

> @AMLS you may consider changing this from a generic Facilitator 1, 2, 3, ect. to the Blocks connecting to a certain individual. Your logic would change slightly so that the Facilitator blocks are assigned to a certain person and not the number of the slot for that class. See the screen clipping below. You would repeat it for Facilitator 2, 3, ...


> But then your data for Instructor Doe, Instructor Smith, and Instructor Johnson are always collected in the same variable and you don't have to figure out how to net it on the back end. But you can also control the order that the facilitators appear in the survey dynamically with the nested branching logic.


> !


If I'm understanding this correctly, this would work if we only had a few facilitators, but we have hundreds (Subject matter experts) that may facilitate a class. I will pass it on to the Q person I'm dealing with to see if he may understand your suggested approach better. I appreciate the post!
@AMLS you are understanding correctly. I fortunately work at an institution where we are not dealing with hundreds of instructors so it would be more manageable for us to set up a block that is owned by an instructor in order to be able to show aggregated reports for that instructor over time/multiple courses.

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