Use cases for EX in the government space? | XM Community

Use cases for EX in the government space?

Userlevel 7
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Hello! I'm an analytics lead for a Federal agency. Once in a while I get questions about the EX function, which is a challenge for us because the Federal government conducts an annual Federal Employee Values Survey (FEVS) and we do not want to create surveys that conflict with that, and for other reasons related to Federal management practices for staff and contractors. That said, does anyone in the Community have experience conducting employee surveys in a government environment? What topics have you covered, and what outcomes have you been able to make happen? Thanks!

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Thanks very much, @Kate -- that's enormously helpful. I think we have some similar use cases, so it's good that you are bale to use research core as a tool for surfacing insight from internal customers about ease of processes and other elements of their experience.
Userlevel 7
Badge +19
I work for a state agency, and we don't use EX formally, but we do employee surveys out of "research core".

We also have an annual survey across all state agencies we don't want to conflict with. But that leaves some considerable wiggly room for things we do internally.

I have 2 surveys that are post-transaction surveys for our internal services departments. Our IT and Facilities department open/closes cases for individuals in Salesforce. When the close the case, we trigger a survey to the internal "customer" asking for a satisfaction rating, inquiry resolution, etc..

I also have an annual "Internal Services Survey". Rather than being a values/perception/engagement survey, it is more of a "VOC" style survey that asks employees to rate any "internal services" provider they have worked with in the past year- Research, HR, Etc..

I also do occasional 1-off surveys based on need. For example: a team was once seeking LEED certification for the building, so I helped build the survey component that sees how far everyone is coming from to get to the building. I also will launch little, "What did you think of X Event?" or "How can we improve Employee Orientation?" surveys on an ad hoc basis.

I also see a big benefit to 360 reviews in Qualtrics using EX formal. But that is something we personally have not implemented yet.

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