Salesforce field with External ID is Null | XM Community

Salesforce field with External ID is Null

  • 30 March 2022
  • 2 replies


When we try to push a Qualtrics identifier (e.g. Survey ID) through to a field in the survey response object (from the AppExchange) which has External ID = true, the value is showing in the JSON payload from the workflow, however it is null when received on Salesforce.
Anyone had this and have an explanation? We even defined a custom field with external id = true and same experience. When we set it to false it populates as expected.

Edit: we're running it as an Insert operation.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Not sure what the exact issue is, but some things to check:

  1. validate it's being captured in the response data in Data & Analysis. If not, check how you are assigning it to an embedded data field in the workflow.

  2. Check that the data type of the field you're writing to is correct.

  3. Check your response mapping again for this field.

I'm sure you've done all of the above, but it's worth checking again if everything else is writing to the record except this field.


We are having the same issue. I was wondering if there was any resolution to the problem? Where can you change the ExternalID setting to false?

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