What Would You Like to See Offered in Our Rank and Rewards Program? | XM Community
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What Would You Like to See Offered in Our Rank and Rewards Program?

What Would You Like to See Offered in Our Rank and Rewards Program?

It’s time for a Rank and Rewards refresh 🎁


Our XM Community’s Rank and Rewards program has experienced tremendous growth since its inception! We have successfully sent XM Community merch kits around the globe to our dear Community members. 

We are putting the Rank and Rewards program under the microscope once again, and would like to hear from you, our members, on what you would like to see included as merchandise or rewards in our program. 

You can see our current offerings here in this post.

For those of you who have received merch (or “swag”) from brands or businesses previously, what did you find most useful or valuable? What merch did you actually use or keep?

Note: Due to the international nature of our program, it is logistically not possible to include gift cards, plants, or food items.

Please share your ideas, thoughts, and experiences in the comments! 

Thanks for letting us know about the refresh of swag


Whilst I have managed to get to level 3, it is now a lot harder to go further.  I feel this is because the community volume and interest is just not there.  Most of the recent posts and questions I have posted just don’t seem to get any traction and likwise it means you yourself can’t return the favour to accrue likes and points etc.  I think if you can encourage more people to join the community and participate, the better and the more likely we’ll help each other and we’ll all earn more points (and prizes!) then.


In addition:

  1. It would be great to have an an award where an idea you have posted in the idea section will be prioritised and come to fruition - currently the product ideas concept and platform does not help us find past ideas and vote for them nor can we post pictures explaining the idea visually.
  2. customised help.  eg free time from a Qualtrics guru whether it be helping to writing a piece of custom code or deliver a fancy survey.  In short some extra help to teach those less aware of the opportunities as to what you can do on the platform.
  3. More kitchenware - the one ice cream sundae glass I was lucky to get is often fought over by my three boys!

Thank you for the feedback, @Rod_Pestell -- I very much appreciate your input on this! We will consider the ideas you have presented carefully. 

I will also send along the feedback about the Ideation portal and being able to find submitted ideas and adding photos. 

I think it would be awesome if we could get a meeting-like conversation with some partner that has a lot of expertise! That way we could share our questions and discuss about it with someone that for sure is gonna give us some answers or different points of view that could help us.

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