Curious: reminders for recorded/submitted response that are incomplete - used anonymous link. | XM Community
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I have a survey that is currently live and was distributed externally (outside of Qualtrics) using an anonymous link. There is a question that gathers a respondent’s email address. It seems like the survey closed on some folks due to inactivity and now their response is recorded/submitted but it is incomplete.


I’m interested in following up with these contacts; however, I believe at this point I’d have to send a retake link to open up their survey again.


I’m curious if there is a workflow or process using the Qualtrics platform itself (e.g., mailer) to send an email to these contacts? Recap of considerations: this is an active/live survey, used an anonymous link, and interested in reaching contacts whose responses are recorded/submitted but incomplete.


Thanks in advance for any insights on this!

One of the way is:

We need to create a contact list manually using the data already captured. The list should have email address and retake link columns. We can easily create retake links using response id in excel at once by following steps mentioned here. Now upload this list in Qualtrics and draft a invite message where in hide the actual survey link using CSS and display the retake link in the email by piping.

Hi @Desa,

First you will have to download distribution history, you will get ‘Link’ from there. Then go to ‘Directories’ and download contact list.

Now in contact list add a new column for example Link, use VLOOKUP (take a common factor from both file) and get the link from distribution history file and paste them in Link column.

Now you can upload this new list and send Invite to them. They will receive a new message with old link.

Let me know if this helps you.



Sachin N

Hi @Desa ,


This can be easily done through a workflow in Qualtrics.


  1. Create an embedded data in survey flow at the start “survey_completed”= “No”
  2. Create the retake link in the survey flow for each respondent in realtime as follows: 
    1. Create embedded data
      “Retake_Link” =${e://Field/ResponseID}&Q_R_DEL=1
      1. Replace highlighted part with anonymous link of the survey without any parameters
      2. If above does not work, try https://www.brandid.qualtrics……..
  3. The last element in survey flow should be “survey_completed”= “Yes” so that the below workflow is not run when the person completed the survey
  4. Create a workflow in Qualtrics with the below conditions:
    1. On Survey Response > If “survey_completed” = “No” > Send Email Task
    2. Content of the email should include ${e://Field/Retake_Link} which has the retake link of the survey.
    3. The ToEmail on the task should have the pipe in of the question where you are capturing the email(assuming that Email? is the first question in the survey)

The above approach should work when the responses are auto recorded.

Let me know how this goes.

@Desa ,

Sharing some links for your reference:

Retake link creation:

Creating workflow with email task:

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