Data & Analysis export (3 questions) | XM Community
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  1. In the export, is there a way to split start date and time and end date and time? I have searched the community yet am not finding the information.

  2. Also, is there a way to customize the fields? I have a matrix table and they are each showing individually yet adding the comment above to each question: for example:There are no right or wrong answers. Please answer as honestly as possible. - 1. There are no right or wrong answers. Please answer as honestly as possible. - 2

  3. For duration, can I have it show as minutes and seconds not only seconds?

Thank you.

Hi there, the Export from the Data & Analysis tab can't really be modified beyond the options available in the Export configurer, but most of what you are looking for can be included in the Export with Embedded Data.
For 1, I think the closest you can come would be to save off date information as Embedded Data at the top and bottom of the Survey Flow, which will capture StartDate for all respondents and EndDate for those that make it all the way through the survey. You could also add other date capture Embedded Data elements throughout the Survey Flow as needed.
For 2, I don't think there is a way to stop the Question text from being included before the statements, but you could create copies of the questions as Embedded Data and then name the fields as desired.
For 3, you can use Math Operations to calculate the minutes at the bottom of the Survey Flow.
Your configured Survey Flow might look something like the below:

Thank you so much Tom! You are a genius!

Thanks! Also, for point 2, I forgot about the ability to edit the Question Label in the Survey Builder, like mentioned in this recent post:
The Embedded Data option will still work though.

One last question regarding the time, if I want to record the end time, I should place this embedded portion above End of Survey correct?

Hi jdmill51 , yup you should be all set!

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