Embedded Data from Authenticators Not Included in Response | XM Community
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I am pretty new to Qualtrics and this is my first Community post - thank you in advance for all your future help!
I'm struggling with a sporadic issue related to authenticators and embedded data.
At the start of my survey, the user enters 3 identifiers to pull information stored in a contact list.
As you can see in the image, in most cases, it's going swimmingly, but the third line down all the columns are blank - that's where the embedded data would be.
Screenshot (321).png(Note: The blank fields in the 5th and 6th entries down is because the previous survey, where the embedded data was originally created didn't store them - different issue. I can easily fill that in, so less of priority than this issue.)
Here's the set-up.
Screenshot (320).png(Note: The first Embedded Data section comes from an emailed link. The rest is coming from a different contact that the Authenticators are referencing.)
Does anyone have thoughts on what would cause a sporadic problem like this?
Appreciate any thoughts/suggestions - thanks so much!

Within your setup if the person is not authenticated still they are allowed to move forward.
Hence, the blank embedded data try moving everything one step up under authenticator. The blank fields are because that person is not in contact directory and is still able to fill survey.

Hope this helps!

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