How can I set up a matrix like this? | XM Community
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I have two measures in my survey that need to be formatted as per the screenshot. I can't do it as a side-by-side since each row can only have one response and I'd rather not set it up by having a Likert matrix and labelling each option with "Statement 1" or "Statement 2" in order to avoid confusion. Any suggestions on how to set it up in Qualtrics as per the screenshot are helpful!

Hi Avnee_S
Try using the Bipolar variation under the matrix table as it can display two extremes of a scale. Respondents select a point between the two extremes.

Abhi for the response. I do want the statements to be in the middle to make it easier to understand. Is there a way to do that when setting up a Matrix table?

Not really, and it seems pretty confusing from a survey takers perspective. I would stick with Abhi_Nair's approach.

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