How do I use Advanced Formatting to specify a slider and its labels and choices? | XM Community
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I have a survey designed to be filled out on paper that I want to convert to Qualtrics with Advanced Formatting as described here:
However, that support page omits many question types, including Slider questions, so I'm trying to find out the syntax this needs. Importing a question using a line [[Question:Slider]] and a line [[choices]] works, but all the default values remain at 0 or undefined, and I have no idea how to configure them. Adding [[labels]], [[slidertype]] or [[statements]] all give me an "invalid directive label" error.
I'm using two labels, 'Not at all' for label 1, and 'Very much' for label 2. The 'choice 1' label is left blank. The slider type should be Sliders, and the grid lines off. How do I define this in a text file?

Why aren't you using the online survey builder? it's very slow on my laptop and it's far quicker and easier to copy and paste text blocks in Notepad than to add every question and copy-paste its contents individually.

You could just do it for one, download the qsf, open it in your laptop and copy paste. could work in theory, but if I download the qsf of a survey with a single question and open it in a text editor, I get a 4000 character unformatted single-line text file. It's completely unclear what I'm supposed to copy-paste, and where, if I want to copy a single question. Is there another way I'm supposed to open it?

It's a JSON file. So use a text editor that supports formatting like Vscode or Notepad++

OK, thanks. Notepad++ just adds colors, no formatting, but I ran it through a json formatter which did the job. I tried the txt file import again with the variables listed in the qsf, but that also didn't work, so I guess qsf editing is going to have to be the solution.

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