How to delete an email from a text entry question ? | XM Community
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I'm planning to send an email trigger which contains a report to the respondent after submitting the survey. But due to GDPR, I must not save or see the email id in my Qualtrics Acc. Is there a way to achieve this task? I saw few ans related to API call, but unfortunately I don't know API's as I'm not from a technical background.
Would anyone will be able to help me on this?

If you are going to send them an email with a summary of their responses, then you already have the email linked to their response ID, which I think will be a violation of GDPR.
I suggest you do not ask for the email id, instead use something like this to generate a report while they are taking the survey.

Thanks for replying.
I'll have a consent question at the end, where the report will be sent only to those who would like to get the full report via email. I already have a End of Survey message designed with the full report to be displayed after ending the survey. But what you have sent me looks much interesting. I'll explore it more for my use in the future.
What I want is to delete the email after sending them the email so that it is not stored in Qualtrics anymore.

Here's how the flow would be: Survey Response --> Database --> Email.
I hope this brings out the problem. While you may delete the email, the survey responses will still be linked to that email id. If they weren't linked, then you'd be sending out random data to respondents.
While you can, on the surface, delete the email/variable from the database, technically, its still there and anyone who wants to extract it, will be able to do so.

Hmm understood. Then I'll have to look for a way where personal data is pushed to another system which GDPR compliance for my org. Can that be achieved through Actions ? In that case will this be still saved in Qualtrics?

Also doesn't deleting email in the backend applies to what they are talking about here.
This is not traceable right ?

Based on the info in the link, it may not be traceable. But it appears to a manual process, so I don't know how suitable would it be. ahmedA, I'm trying to implement the same thing - but in our case, we wouldn't be including the survey report in the email, so we wouldn't have to worry about responses being linked to the email id. In your comment, you mention that in theory, it would be possible for the email addresses to be deleted after the email has been triggered. Any more information you could provide about this would be most helpful!

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