Display a choice after "the fifth display" of the question (with loop and merge) | XM Community
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Dear QualtricsCommunity members

I'm seeking for advice in order to customize the survey I'm working on... up to now I haven't find answers, I have then great hopes...!!

In this study, we ask participants to read arguments about green energy.

First participants are exposed to a page where there are four categories (positive/negative arguments about impacts on nature and residential areas), there is a forced single answer rule, once they've clicked on one box/category they click then on the "next button" -> on the next page they can see a list of arguments, they choose one -> on next page they read it + evaluate it -> thanks to a loop and merge implementation they go back to the main page with the four categories displayed again and can choose to read another argument.

What I want to do is to make the "_I have read enough argument_" choice appear below the 4 boxes/categories, ONCE participants have read AT LEAST five arguments.

(When they click on "I have read enough" they go to the second part of the study and answer several questions.)

I would then be extremely grateful if I could get advice from you about how to do that... :-)

Many thanks in advance

Hi @AlixF! It looks like you reached out to our Support team regarding this inquiry. We would love it if you would be willing to share your answer with other community members here as well!
> @LaurenK said:

> Hi @AlixF! It looks like you reached out to our Support team regarding this inquiry. We would love it if you would be willing to share your answer with other community members here as well!


Indeed, I have since found a solution with the survey flow and loops based on a number!

-> I made a question for which participants had to answer writing the number "5"

-> based on this answer, 5 loops are repeated

-> then participants can choose whether they want to continue reading or not.

I am grateful to the member of the Support team who helped me find this solution!

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