How to identify (pairs of) duplicate responses? | XM Community

How to identify (pairs of) duplicate responses?

  • 29 February 2024
  • 4 replies

Badge +1


I have a question regarding duplicate entries in my data (Ballot box stuffing = TRUE)

1) How does Qualtrics handle these entries? Does it flag both the original entry and the duplicate entry from the same IP-address and do both entries get the value TRUE? Or is only the second entry by the same respondent flagged as a duplicate?
2) How can I identify which responses belong to the same respondent/IP address? It is an anonymous survey, so I don't have any identifying information like IP address.

Any help is much appreciated :)

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +27

I assume by “Ballot Box Stuffing=TRUE”, you mean you have turned on “Prevent multiple submissions”. That only works if the respondent uses the same device and browser. If you are flagging responses, it will only flag the second one.

A better solution for detecting duplicates is to turn on RelevantID and add/check the Q_RelevantIDDuplicate embedded data field.

An anonymous survey is not the same thing as Anonymizing responses. Whether IP addresses are collected or not depends on the Anonymize responses setting.

Badge +1

Hi Tom, I indeed turned on ‘Prevent multiple submissions’. So  the second response is flagged, is there a way to identify which entry was the first? I would like to know which entries belong to the same respondent (or device/browser).

The survey is already closed, so I assume it is too late to turn on RelevantID… 
We indeed anonymized responses (Anonymize responses is turned on)

Userlevel 7
Badge +27

Hi Tom, I indeed turned on ‘Prevent multiple submissions’. So  the second response is flagged, is there a way to identify which entry was the first? I would like to know which entries belong to the same respondent (or device/browser).

The survey is already closed, so I assume it is too late to turn on RelevantID… 
We indeed anonymized responses (Anonymize responses is turned on)

Unless you collected some other type of unique data, I don’t think there is an accurate way to identify the original responses that go with the duplicate responses.

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Hi both, hope it’s ok to add to this thread…. I’m looking for a similar solution but my survey uses personal links which should only be allowed to use once, yet sometimes we’ve noticed some instances where more than one response has been completed by the same person.  We can’t work out how this is happening at the moment, we’ve tried to trick the system ourselves using genuine links in the email invites but it says you’ve already completed a survey or throws some java / server errors if you try and do the survey at the same time on two systems.


I need to find some examples to send to the Qualtrics support team and so the current solution is to export the data and count the booking ID embedded field (which should be unique) in excel.  But is there a way I could run a duplicate check for the booking ID in a report or dashboard and send an alert when it finds more than one count of the same booking ID?  That way I can pass this onto Qualtrics straight away.




Rod Pestell

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