How to provide respondents with the option of being anonymous | XM Community
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Hi all
Would anyone have a solution to enable respondents to have the option of de-identifying their response. As a general rule, preference is to utilise individual links so the emebeded data and customer details can be used for our close the loop programs, however with changes to the Quality standards across care services, the need to provide the option for respondents of providing anonymous responses is growing. Does anyone have any coding that would allow us to de-identify a response if requested?

Thanks in advance!

Hi jheath18, this is definitely possible via survey flow and does not require custom coding.
Essentially, if you're including a question in your survey that allows respondents to request de-identification of their response, then you can add branch logic after your final question block with criteria to branch out respondents who have answered that question and indicated a preference for their response to be de-identified. Under this branch, you can nest an End Of Survey element and customise/override the options, selecting the "Do NOT record any personal information and remove panel association" option. I've added a screenshot below to give you an idea.
Hope that helps.

Great help! Thanks so much Cam. :-)

No worries - glad I could be of assistance! 😊

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