Hyperlink in the same window? | XM Community
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I want to include a sentence that reads like "please click here to see the description again" and I was able to save an image of the descriptions I want to show and insert a hyperlink to "here" however, I can't seem to find the right option/setting I want. Essentially, I want this image of the descriptions to be enlarged or pop up in the same window, and when respondents are done with the description they can click on the image again to make it go away or implement something so they can go back to the question they were about to answer. Tried different options under "Target" window but not what i'm exactly looking for.. Is this even doable?

Yes its possible. But using a hyperlink is not the right approach. You'll need to use lightbox. modals or some tooltip library to get it done, based on how you want the image to appear and how much of screen it should cover etc.

And how would I do that? Do you have any codes/scripts you can share with me?

Sure. For modals you can see this link and for lightbox this one. If you are interested in getting a custom solution developed, send me a message with the details of your requirements.

Thanks! I will try that

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/35763#Comment_35763HI bro, need a custom code to pop up an image with a close button on top when hyperlink is triggered. can you help me on this

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