Including information on what the default setting is | XM Community
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Before I submit this as a product idea, I wanted to get some feedback on it. As a Brand Admin, I push my users to various support/help articles on the Qualtrics site. I noticed today that when a help article references a setting (especially an on/off option) it doesn't tell what the default setting (value) is
2022-03-02 08_38_24-Responses Section of Survey Options.pngThis is an example. While it shows you where you can change the setting, it doesn't say what the default is. Nor if you can change this default for your domain as the Brand Admin. I can assume that the setting shown (in this case "on") is the default, but I don't think that's intuitive nor may it be consistent. What do you think?

I see what you're saying. I'm all for reducing potential for doubt or inconsistent interpretation, especially in something like support pages that new users would be viewing. I think it would only be helpful to specify what the default setting is in pages like these.

mklubeck, this discussion may be better suited for our Brand Administrators Group, which I just invited you to! Once you accept the invitation to join, you can post in the group, which is for Qualtrics Brand Admins to connect, share industry best practices & ideas, and gain access to resources. To learn more about our groups feature, check out this post 😁

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