⭐️ Community Groups: Join Today! | XM Community
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We couldn’t be more excited to officially present to you Groups -- a feature that enables us to connect you with other peers of similar industries and interests through a shared, and sometimes private, space! 


What are Groups? 💭

We've built a network of Groups as a segmentation of the general XM Community. Our Groups enable community members, like you, to dedicate the conversation to a more specific topic. In Groups, you can can:

  • Connect and network with others through our Group member directory
  • Showcase work and projects in your area of interest, including uploading QSFs and survey templates
  • See upcoming webinars and events specific to your interests
  • View new and important announcements from Qualtrics and Group Leaders

Who can join and participate? 👥

We have a few different privacy settings for Groups -- private, public and secret. You’ll find the privacy setting in the details of the Group. Most of our Groups are private, where a community account is required to join, post, and view content. We want to make sure you feel safe and secure in this space, which is why only verified Qualtrics users will be able to interact.

Where can I join? ✅

You can access Groups via the navigation bar at the top of the XM Community. To join a new Groups, follow the steps below:

  1. Click “Groups” in the top navigation. 
  2. Select “Request to Join” at the bottom of the Group.
  3. You will see a pop-up that says “Request Sent.” Wait for approval and you’ll receive an email notification once you’ve been approved!

What Groups are currently available? 🚀

At this time, we have four Industry Groups (K-12, Higher Education, Government, Financial Services) and three Interest Groups (Brand Administrators, Jobs & Careers, Korea EX) for community members to join. We are excited to share there is an Interest Group coming soon: Japan EX.  (As our Community continues to grow, so will the number of Groups available through our network. If there’s a Group you’d like to see added, please let us know!

Thanks so much for setting these up!

Hi LaurenK ! on the topic of possible new Groups. The final sentence reads "If there’s a Group you’d like to see added, please let us know via the Feedback tab on the right side of the community". Probably because I'm a recent joiner, but where precisely is 'the community' and its 'feedback tab'?

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/41650#Comment_41650It should be on the left side of any page on the community site (community.qualtrics.com). If you don't see it, try refreshing your browser! 😊

All points mentioned by the fellow community members are valid. It is a pleasure and honor to be here. 😎 I am here for research purpose for my essay writing job.

Thx LaurenK! Suggestion submitted ✅

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