Linking average responses between surveys | XM Community
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I want to carry forward or pipe the highest average selected response to a question from Survey 1 across all respondents into a follow up Survey 2. This would be triggered by Survey 1 closing as a result of either elapsed time or quota achievement, whichever is first.

Hi Phillsh! I think that your case is really similar to this one
The difference would be that you have to evaluate a logic if the average is higher or doesnt.

thank you for sharing this example. I learned a few things from watching it. However, I think my scenario is a little different and perhaps more complicated.
Using the example in the video, my objective would be to calculate the running mean value for each of three questions separately. IOW, I want to monitor the mean value of CSAT1, CSAT2 & CSAT3 individually and update the value for each new response until the survey closes.
When the survey closes, I want the question with the highest mean value to be captured (embedded data?), carried forward and referenced in the next survey.
The mean that is in the standard report is exactly what I want, but I'm not sure how to call that value from another survey.
I'm thinking that I may need to create embedded variables and perform some math operations in the survey flow?
I appreciate any additional advice.

You'll either have to use the Qualtrics API or some backend, like Github or Google Sheets, to store your responses for a while. You can then pull these in Survey 2 based on your desired criteria.
Toward the end of the survey, your web service will have the following flow:

  1. Check if a value exists

  2. If not, store new value

  3. If yes, check if value in this survey is greater than the value stored

  4. If no, do nothing.

  5. If yes, update stored value to the value from the survey.

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