Randomly present 1/4 outcomes based on previous question answer multiple times | XM Community
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Dear Community,
I want to show participants a binary multiple choice question. If they choose option A, I want them to see 1 of 4 possible 'outcomes' - if they choose Option B I want them to see only 1 outcome.
I want the participant to do this 5 times in total.
I want to record a data point for: what the participant choose (A/B) each time in the root question and what they are shown as a result each time.
Is there a way to do this without creating multiple blocks/randomizers that ends up in a messy survey flow?
I have a feeling it is a combination of embedded data/display logic but I am struggling to figure it out.
Any help would be most appreciated.

Might be randomizer along with loop can work here.

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/43042#Comment_43042I was able to figure it out, it is pretty much exclusively embedded data and randomization. The problem with the loop is that it doesn't give you a data point for what was displayed the participants.

If anyone runs across this post in the future and wants to know how to solve it, please feel free to message me.

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