Responses in Progressed Disappeared | XM Community
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All Responses in Progress of my survey just disappeared for no apparent reason. The survey is still active, and incomplete survey responses are NOT set to delete. Does anyone have an idea why this happened?

The same problem. wondering what happened.

I've got the same problem.

I also have the same problem, had 22 responses in progress, some of which I was intending to use partial data from as part of a university research project. All gone with no idea where. Very much hoping this can be resolved as if not it will impact my research.

I also had this issue - 48 hours ago I had 35+ responses in progress (which are vital for my work) and now there are none listed. Seems like a major Qualtrics bug, I hope no data has been lost.

I have this issue too. I have about 115+/- responses in progress disappeared from my account!! They all very important to my research. Does anyone in Qualtrics can help to fix and recover my data?'re back for me - hope it's the same for everyone else! here.

They are back for me as well as of this morning.

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