How to display messages based on scores? | XM Community
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I am designing a study that contains three conditions. Participants will be randomly assigned to one condition: no-alternative, alternative-one, and alternative-two.


In each condition block, participants will first read a series of scenario. After that, they will answer a question of understanding: to proceed, they need to select all correct answers (1, 3, 4, & 5). Otherwise, they will be directed to read the scenario again.


To accomplish this, I used the scoring and embedded data functions. I first created three scoring categories:


I recoded the value of each answer as follows:


Then I set three embedded data:


And set the display logic:


Finally, I set the survey flow:


However, no matter whether I answered the question of understanding correctly, the wrong feedback was always displayed:


I could not figure out which part was wrong...

Thank you so much!
Can you zoom out on your survey flow and screenshot it? I suspect it’s an order issue.

Note that once you set the Embedded Data for the score it won’t update. It’s not creating a link but rather copying the value at that moment.
> @mattyb513 said:

> Can you zoom out on your survey flow and screenshot it? I suspect it’s an order issue.


> Note that once you set the Embedded Data for the score it won’t update. It’s not creating a link but rather copying the value at that moment.

Thank you for the reply. Below are the screenshots of the survey flow:





And it seems that when I fail to correctly answer the question, the "wrong" message will always be displayed in the following repeated trials, even when my answer has been modified to be correct...

How should I update the score?
When you look at the data for the feedback embedded data values, what are you seeing?

Will you post the qsf?
> @mattyb513 said:

> When you look at the data for the feedback embedded data values, what are you seeing?


> Will you post the qsf?

All embedded data values are zero...? (I am not sure whether I found the right column...)

I attached the qsf below:
Well... the loop function seems to work...

But I would appreciate it if other methods can be provided.
I don’t think you want to use a loop or scoring.

I would add a JavaScript to your question that adds a fake Next button and hides the real Next button. Add a handler to the fake next button that checks for a correct answer. If it is correct, click the real next button. If not, click the previous button to go back to the scenario.

Your survey flow becomes just three question blocks under the randomizer.
Hey @evans! It may be helpful to review this page about displaying messages based on scoring! If you have not yet already, feel free to reach out to our Support team so they can further troubleshoot this with you! 🙂

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