Sorting uploaded images | XM Community
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Hello, I am a Qualtrics beginner and unfortunately I have not been able to find an answer for my problem. 

I would like to give the participants of my survey the possibility to upload pictures and videos. I guess the best way to do that is via the "upload file" question, right?

At the end of the survey I want to assign the uploaded pictures and videos back to the individual respondents. When I go to the results of the question and download all the files there, I just get a huge ZIP file, with images/videos that have no discernible characteristics that I could use to assign them back to individual respondents. 

Is there a way to reassign the images/videos of one respondent to that respondent?

Thanks in advance

I think you can pipe in the link for the uploaded file and then the user can download it. you for your answer!

Since I am really still very inexperienced with Qualtrics: How would I do that?😬

You can go to question text and select pipe text option and then select the question in which you have used upload question type.
Then just pipe in the url. Now you can use this as href (hyperlink) format or you can directly paste it and ask to copy paste the link in new browser which should download the file.

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