survey takers got this error when opening the survey | XM Community
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Several survey takers got this error when opening the survey (through the link that inserted into the email sent to them). Anyone knows why and how to fix? Any advice or help would be highly appreciated. Thank you!

Hello Ivy_lalaa
Even I have come across this and it usually happens when there is a look and feel or JavaScript issue which is in on load function. Try transitioning it to the on ready.
Try checking your custom scripts/header/footer for possible error/issue.
Related links that could help:

  1. Common Survey Errors (

  2. How do I get support for error conditions with Qualtrics? — Qualtrics Community

  3. Getting "Sorry, an unexpected error occurred" on the second question that I am trying to hide — Qualtrics Community

Hope this helps!

Deepak You're on a roll! Thank you for being thoughtful, sharing your experience and even providing troubleshooting resources to help Ivy_lalaa 👏

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