How do I get support for error conditions with Qualtrics? | XM Community
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Currently getting an unexpected error with Qualtrics when I try and preview draft surveys. Similar error is occurring when I try a live survey that previously worked.

Tried to get support from the Qualtrics team, but so far no success. The chatline told me to go to Support (which is was the route I had used to get to the Chatline) and then dropped the conversation. Telephone support put me on hold for a long time and then passed my call around. Was unable to log on for support by e-mail.

I am now trying this forum.

I am sure that there is a way of getting through to Support - any guidance or advice welcomed.
Still want support.

However my immediate problem does have a workaround. Using Internet Explorer rather than Mozilla Firefox does allow me to do a preview of my survey.
Hi @DHaynes

Can you tell us what the Error(Some error reference number) is ? when you say you get error trying Preview or Live Survey , does it load , does it not load or it dies in mid survey ?
Hey @DHaynes! I am so sorry you experienced that! If you are looking to get in touch with our support team, you'll want to go to our Support Center.
Hello @DHaynes ,

Sorry for all the back and forth that happened with the support team, they are very cooperative usually.

About your concern - in order to deep dive, kindly share with us the error you are referring to and accordingly suggestions can come.

For now, I can only share the link below which shares some information around "Common Survey Errors"

Waiting for your query.


Thanks for getting in touch. When I try and preview a survey this is the error message I get:

"Sorry, an unexpected error occurred. #B.8hssa33.jl6cfdy6". I get a slightly different error message when I do the activated survey with Mozilla Firefox.

I am in the process of developing the survey, so it is not complete - this is the address:

I found a workaround by using Internet Explorer instead. IE does not give the error condition when I preview the survey and I can do the activated survey as well.
Link is working on my chrome browser.

Can You clear cookies and try taking preview link again.
Thanks - Still have a problem with Preview using Firefox protected mode with minimum cookies.
My survey is now live (for testing), but does not work with Firefox at all. Is this a general problem with Qualtrics? I am concerned as it may prevent respondents from completing the questionnaire:
> @DHaynes said:

> My survey is now live (for testing), but does not work with Firefox at all. Is this a general problem with Qualtrics? I am concerned as it may prevent respondents from completing the questionnaire:

No, it is not a general problem. I just tried it in Firefox (61.0.2 (64-bit)) and it works fine.
I am experiencing the same problem with firefox too. The error message appears even after I cleaned all cookies and restarted the browser. I am using Firefox 63.0 64-bit
Hi, I too have this issue with Firefox, Unexpected errors in preview mode and also when published. There is no way I can reach support... this is the worst support contact ever, just sends me around to different pages.


Sorry, an unexpected error occurred. B.18fvdkfg.jp9kya8k

If FF users can't use the survey then its worthless and we will cancel licenses. Very unhappy with how the "support" works. even the email contact gives me the Unexpected error.
Hi @DigitalGuru! Please visit our Support Center so you can properly be routed to our Support Team, and a Product Specialist will be more than happy to assist!
Hi @LaurenK, As I wrote, the support center is not working for me (read why)

We are experiencing a similar problem ( Were you able to get any resolution on this? Qualtrics Support hasn't been able to give us a definitive reason for why the survey web application is failing.
Googling the error indicates that other institutions are struggling with this error too.

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