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Is there a way to see how many total people viewed your survey (with or without starting it) when you use an anonymous link?

Hello ScottCBIZ ,
Qualtrics doesn't capture it OOTB for the anonymous links but a separate analytics tool should be able to help you with that e.g. Google Analytics.
Also, you would be able to integrate and push data back as well from the same analytics tool if that's what is needed.

Deepak thanks for the response. Since we are sending these contacts directly to Qualtrics, I'm not understanding how a third party like Google Analytics is going to track traffic. That would require us to have the GA tracking code embedded on the Qualtrics page and I'm not aware of a way to do that.
What we're trying to do is figure out why a third-party vendor is telling us we got over 1400 clicks on a survey link and we show 0 surveys even started.

The reason why you are seeing clicks and 0 surveys started is because, for anonymous links until and unless the respondent clicks on NEXT button Qualtrics doesn't record a partial submission. Hence, no response in progress are visible.
Have a look at this page for reference. Also, have a look at this page for a similar discussion.

Deepak Thank you again.
What we have implemented, going forward, is that we added a hidden metadata question at the beginning of the survey followed by an auto-advance, so that the moment someone hits the page they start the survey. We were just hoping that Qualtrics had some built-in analytics so we could see what happened prior to that change. We're pretty certain that 1400+ people didn't click a button that says "Take the Assessment" and then not even start the assessment.
I guess we're out of luck.

ScottCBIZ ,
A hidden metadata question on a single page would only work when you have a question below it. My recommendation would be to include a blank text/graphic question with an auto advance instead of a metadata question.
Hope this helps!

We do have a question below it. It's working great.

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