Validation on a question block containing a link to different survey. | XM Community
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We are trying to find a validation condition inside a survey (Survey 1) for a question that contains a link to a different survey (Survey 2) on Qualtrics. So when a person in Survey 1 reaches a particular question that contains a link to Survey 2. They should be able to proceed further in survey 1 only if they complete survey 2. Is there any way by which we can apply this sort of validation?
Additionally, how can you make one automatically redirects to Survey 1 after completing survey 2. Furthermore, we want to put validation on the link of Survey 2, so that once it's used the person should not be able to use it again.

It is possible, but complicated. You can use the save & continue feature of Qualtrics to go to another survey then come back to the same place. You'll need to use ajax to check the respondent's survey 2 status. If survey 2 isn't complete replace the Next button with a fake next button that redirects to survey 2. Send the survey 1 url to survey 2 so survey 2 can redirect back to survey 1. Tom, thanks for your response. Currently, we are facing a few more challenges regarding the same. First, the link for survey 2 is created by using specific embedded data from survey 1 and the anonymous distribution link of Survey 2. We are unsure if the above method applies to the same because the anonymous link is reusable, and currently, we do not have any technique so that respondents can use it only once.
Additionally, do you have any suggestions on where we can leverage this code of Ajax and implement it? Thanks for the help you do as I describe you don't need to worry about them taking survey 2 multiple times. When they get to the appropriate place in survey 1 they will click Next (fake Next) and go to survey 2. When they complete survey 2 they will come back to the same place in survey 1 and the script will automatically click the Next button to continue with survey 1.
As for ajax, start here.
As I said previously, it is complicated. Normally, you would only do this if you needed to go to a different platform for survey 2. If survey 2 is a Qualtrics survey, which seems to be the case, you are probably be better off making it one survey.

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