message "You have either already completed the survey or your session has expired." | XM Community
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Hi Can you please help, where i can customize this message "You have either already completed the survey or your session has expired." This message appears when i am retaking same link after completing my unique link.

Thanks in advance.
Hi @bansalpeeyush29 ,

I will add below code in header in order to change the error text.


jQuery('.SystemEndOfSurvey').text('this is the update');


Hope this helps!


Hi @Samarth ,

Thanks for checking.

It is still showing like "You have either already completed the survey or your session has expired."

Hi @bansalpeeyush29 ,

This approach will work for new respondents and those who haven't submitted the responses yet. The reason behind this is the functionality of Qualtrics where any change made to survey will only be reflected to those who haven't completed the survey.

If you want to check if it works, apply the code run the survey with new link and submit the response. Once submitted try to re-enter and the code will work.

Let me know if it worked for you!


In my case, I don't really need to change the message. But I would like Qualtrics to fix the punctuation/grammar of the sentence. There should be a comma after survey: "You have either already completed the survey, or your session has expired." There are two independent clauses here or, in other words, two subjects with their own verbs.
Can i custom this message You have either already completed the survey or your session has expired.?

PeeyushBansal, Samarth
I would also like to customize that message, but the code doesn't seem to work for me (even after re-entering the survey). It might be because I don't want to prevent participants from re-using their link.
What I'm trying to achieve is a custom message sent to partial completes when I manually close the survey. (I'll be using my "survey" as an exam, and would like to send students their score even when the timer runs out - which will be me closing the survey after 90 mins. The full completes will receive their score on the End of survey page, but the partials won't be directed to that page.)
I tagged you in case you had some insight into this, as you've dealt with the customization of that message before.

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