Want to display next question based on response to one randomly selected row of bipolar matrix | XM Community
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Hi all,
I have a bipolar matrix with two choices per row and 10 rows. I would like to present a question to some respondents based on whether they select the first choice in one randomly selected row of the bipolar matrix. I'm confused as to how to go about displaying the next question based on the selected choice in a bipolar matrix.
I found the following two links helpful but they don't resolve my issue since I'm using a bipolar matrix and cannot see the option to display based on selected choice in one randomly selected row of the matrix.
-> https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/716/can-i-randomly-select-one-of-a-respondents-answers-for-use-in-a-follow-up-question
-> https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/10875/how-to-carry-forward-certain-selected-statement-options-into-next-question
Would appreciate any input. Thank you.

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