Can I create custom introduction pages based on lists of participants? | XM Community
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I am very new to Qualtrics and trying to teach myself as I go along.

Can someone please tell me if it is possible to set up a different title page that leads to the same survey?

In my survey, on the 1st page, there will be a line: "You were identified for possible participation in this survey by virtue of your membership in [a]"

Based on their group (there are 4 different ones), a different element will be displayed to them. Is this possible to set up in Qualtrics?

The reason why I would like to set it up is because the survey is going out to 4 different professional associations, and I would like to do some analyses between the groups.

Thank you.
Hello @kbobk092 ,

You can create the membership embedded data in the contact list and capture this embedded data in the survey and piped this data in the first page.
Can you please explain the steps to doing this? I haven't been able to find a way to add embedded data in the contact list. Thank you.
I think I figured it out, thank you!

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