Does qualtrics allow survey users to rate their own textfield responses? | XM Community

Does qualtrics allow survey users to rate their own textfield responses?

  • 8 December 2019
  • 2 replies

I'm looking to make a questionnaire which requires participants to fill out multiple textfield responses and then rate each of their responses out of 5. I'm brand new to the Qualtrics software but in my mind's eye I'm envisaging a layout of the 'side by side' question type example (see picture), but instead of pizza chains, there will be empty text fields for survey users to fill out.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance.!

2 replies


Thank you!

How can I pipe in their responses?


Badge +2
Hi JoeStudent1,

To enable text entry for individual options, click the option and open the option drop-down menu by clicking the blue button with a right triangle that appears on the right. You'd need to repeat that for every option you want to allow text entry for. - Enable text entry screenshot

Based on what you've written, you can either use the side by side or matrix table question types to accomplish this. You can set up custom validation to force respondents to fill in the text fields. - Side by Side screenshot - Matrix Table screenshot

I'd worry that doing all that is a lot for your respondents to handle on one page. If you did want to split up the tasks, say one page where they fill in text fields and one page to rate each answer, you can use a text entry question and then pipe in their responses to the rating question.

Let me know if you have any further questions or would like me to explain how to pipe in text!


Elliot V.W.

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