How to allow respondents to add rows in a matrix question? | XM Community
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I am trying to get some responses in a Matrix question-type but different respondents can have different number of entries (rows). I want to allow the respondent to increase the number of rows in the matrix while s/he is filling the table.

For example, I will build a matrix with 5 rows and 4 columns. The respondent might have 7 entries. So they should have an option of adding 2 rows.

Can this be done?
You can't dynamically add rows to a Matrix... Qualtrics wouldn't know about the rows or record their answers. You could use JavaScript to hide rows then show them when needed, but you really need to ask yourself it is worth it.
@Swapnil when this comes up, I ask myself if I am using the right tool. I love Qualtrics but it's not perfect for everything. If there isn't a need for more than a data file I would switch this out Gravity Forms (which has the function you are looking for, and is good at collecting straightforward data and is a plugin that works with our WordPress sites). If I really wanted the nice reporting functions Qualtrics has I may rebuild the form in Qualtrics and import the data to do the analysis.
I second @bstrahin - Qualtrics is great, but it isn't a silver bullet. When you go to the same tool for all your problems it can be like digging a hole with a hammer. Yes, it can be done, but is it worth the work when shovels exist?

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