How to create country dropdown with Qualtrics? | XM Community
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Is there any quick way of creating country dropdown with out adding every country manually?
You can potentially use a drill-down question.

Or you can use Edit Multiple to paste in your entire list of countries in one shot. It's under Choices in the Question Edit Pane.
1) At the bottom of your survey click on the grey box that says Import Questions From

2) Search for "Country" at the top right

3) Click Country (this is a built-in question from Qualtrics so you should see that detail below the label)

4) Select Import Questions

This will insert as it's own block but you can use the ^/v arrows to move it to another block in your survey.
Thanks @bstrahin. That's really handy.
Thanks @bstrahin and @Matt_Christie_Walker , Matt suggestion would be helpful with large custom data list and for country list. Bstrahin solution is really handy. 🙂

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