How to create custom variables for Fiscal Quarter and Fiscal Year based on a date value? | XM Community
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I'm trying to create custom variables for my client's Fiscal Quarter and Fiscal Year, which are on a different calendar than the normal calendar year.

I can create categorical numerical or text values in Data and Analysis -> Analysis -> Create Variable; but that doesn't translate into the dashboards as a date variable for trending purposes.

I also tried Data and Analysis -> Tools -> Create New Field. It can create a date variable, but it looks like every record needs to be updated as data is collected (not feasible for this 5-year study).

Any ideas?
Hi, @pcooper94! I just wanted to jump in here and let you know that variables created in Stats iQ can only be pulled into crosstabs and not dashboards. In regards to creating a new field, I would recommend that you reach out to our Support Team so that they can better understand your use case and help you out! 😃
Thank you!

Hi Did you get any solution on your issue?
I am trying to decide which application I need to use to create customized code.
I am new to Qualtrics, and not sure whether I should stick with SQL database or try to customize in Qualtrics.


Hi Justin,
The answer is sort of yes and sort of no.
We have a sampling department that processes our sample files before we load them to Qualtrics. We found one solution was to have the sampling team add a FISCQTR variable and just move it in to the survey as embedded data.
Another option is to create an embedded data variable in the Survey Flow, and populate it based on a date that already exists in the dataset. For example, if Quarter=2, FISCQTR=3. However, you can't base it on the date of the survey, as far as I can tell -- metadata cannot be a condition for Branch Logic in the Survey Flow.
The best option I've seen so far is to create a variable called TRENDQTR or something along those lines. This variable would have a unique value for each combination of fiscal year and fiscal quarter, so that you only have to filter on one variable when you are looking for data from a certain quarter.
trendqtr_screenshot.PNGIf you do that, you can create trendline charts using the Simple Chart widget type, with TRENDQTR as the X axis. This works really well for trending by quarter or month (TRENDMTH). If you need weekly or daily trends, it makes the survey logic too burdensome, in my opinion.
It's also important to note that none of these options create a field that Qualtrics recognizes as a Date. Therefore, the automatic date-collapsings that Qualtrics usually would offer in dashboards (year, six months, quarter, month, week, day) are not available.
Hope this helps!

Hi Pam,
I am still learning about 'embedded data'.
I opened another thread with the question below.
Import CSV file to use in embedded data possible?I am trying to see if there is way to import csv file to use the values temporarily and later update the csv file as needed.

Just wanted to leave a comment here as I'm aware of a problem in doing this in that if you wanted a widget to show the latest custom period / quarter you have to either setup a page widget which then filters the data or set it on each and every widget's page filter which will then let you keep the dashboard page in question more versatile.
At present I have to go through each widget each period and change the filter so that it picks up and reports the latest period. eg. I change it from Period 9 in the top/bottom box slider or textset drop down list to 10. It would be great if Qualtrics allow you to customise the template list (currently This Year, Last 30 Days, Last Quarter, Lat 180 days).
This has been mentioned as a product idea It says it's scheduled but the more people comment on this idea the more likely it's going to get some attention I guess.
Finger crossed it would be picked up soon.
Rod Pestell

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