How to exclude respondents from completing rest of survey based on responses? | XM Community
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I have a screener block with 2 questions

What is your height (inches)

What is your weight (pounds)

Then in survey flow I have embedded data to calculate the BMI.

What I want to do is if BMI is less than 25 then end the survey.

If BMI is >/= 25 then continue to rest of blocks.

See attached screenshots.

Thank you
@Jerri you need to move the Set Embedded Data block outside of the branching logic.

You want your flow to go

1. Block with your two screen questions

2. Set Embedded data

3. Branch if BMI is less than 25 (and underneath it End of Survey element)

4. Branch if BMI is greater than or equal to 25 (and underneath it blocks to continue the survey)

Right now you are trying to call a variable in the branch logic that isn't set until you step inside of those branches so I am guessing it fails every time and you are asked the screeners then end up with the default end of survey message.
Hi bstrahin, Thank you for your prompt reply. I changed my Survey Flow but both groups are being directed to the default end of survey message. Please see attached of my survey flow.
Hi @bstrahin, Thank you for your prompt reply. I changed my Survey Flow but each goup is being directed to the default end of survey message. Please see attached of my survey flow.
Hey @Jerri, On your End of Survey element in the survey flow you can click on Customize and give the people on the branch a custom end of survey message.

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