Is there a way to add text with hyperlink to the scoring results page? | XM Community
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I'm implementing a scorig mechanism in my survey, and wondered whether I can edit the scoring results page. I want to add there some sentences and a link, directing the participants to the material that would help them to answer better the next time they take the survey. Is there any way to edit this page? Thanks!
You can create your own page and show that as a scoring result page. Do not use the default one which shown here.

instead create a descriptive text question, piped-text the score in it and add whatever sentences and link you want to show to the respondent.
Hello @yinbar ,

Yes, you can do that by adding custom end of survey message from the survey flow or from the survey options -> survey termination option.

Your custom end of Survey message will appear first and then Scoring summary
Thanks @Mohammedali_Rajapakar_Ugam ! Actually - I like the design of the default scoring page and the fact that they display the correct and incorrect answers.... Is there any what to export it to another page? Or add to their my text?
Thanks @Shashi ! But what if I want to have a scoring page after each block of questions? End of survey message appears only in the end of the survey, right? Or is there a way to have it in the middle and then continue with the rest of the survey?
Hello @yinbar ,

Paste the following code in the "look and feel" -> Advanced -> header(edit) -> Html view(<>):





jQuery("#SkinContent").append('<p>Line one</p><p>Line Two</p><a src="">Link</a>');




Replace the line one, line two, link according to your need.

The above code will add lines after the scoring summary.

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