Sending a different survey to referred participants | XM Community
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I am trying to set up a survey design whereby the participant nominates someone to participate in the study, but this second person would receive a companion version of the survey. Essentially, these two pairs of participants will be commenting on the same phenomena from different points of view.

So, what I am trying to accomplish is:

1. Participant A is asked to nominate someone

2. Nominated participant receives a slightly different survey that is tailored to their group

3. These two participants are linked, creating a pair I can analyze.

Is this something I can build in Qualtrics?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.
Hello @kbobk092 ,

Assuming you are using Anonymous link to send the survey to nominated person.

You can use embedded data in survey url method to send a unique parameter generated in survey of participant A and then in nominated participant survey capture this embedded data. Hence you can have same embedded data in both survey i.e. this can behave as your pair element.
Hi Shashi,

Thank you for your reply. There may be quite a few responses, so I am not sure I can send each person a link. Unless there is a way to do that for mass mailings?

I was also trying to create an embedded data ID for the first respondent, and when asking them to refer someone, create a Contact List trigger that would add this embedded data ID to the address book. But so far I've been unsuccessful.
What sort of embedded data are you trying to append to each person for their ID? I was going to suggest the contact list trigger. So long as that information is paired to the first respondent, then I don't see why it won't then associate itself with the second respondent... Perhaps if you can post your set up we can help troubleshoot.
@kbobk092 If you don't need to send reminders to referrals you can use an email trigger instead of a contact list trigger. This could be easier for you in that you can schedule the email to send at a given time interval after respondent A has completed their survey.

For the email trigger, I suggest

* Use the following URL: [anonymous link]?MatchWith=${e://Field/ResponseID}&Type=Referred

* You can pipe the variable where the email(s) are given by RespondentA into the To field of the email separated by a comma. However, I would duplicate the trigger for each email field you offer the respondent to prevent those recipients from getting each other's email addressed (privacy issue).

You can then use the system generated unique ResponseID to match respondentA with the person they referred and the variable Type for logic to customize the survey to the second respondent. In the Survey Flow,

* Your first element should be Embedded Data with variables: MatchWith (value is set from Panel or URL) and Type (value is set from Panel or URL)

* Then you will have your question blocks

* Next, an Embedded Data where field is ResponseID - use the drop down box to choose this value from the Survey Metadata menu

* The last element should be your End of Survey element

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