Show/Hide question based on a score range | XM Community

Show/Hide question based on a score range

  • 22 June 2020
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 1
Badge +2

Hi All,
I've got a survey that - depending on several variable (Rank, Industry and how they rate their proficiency in certain areas) - select 'Courses' should be shown (or hidden).
I've tried implementing scoring, based on the Proficiency rating. Also, I've setup the 'Courses' as part of a Single Choice question (figuring I can use Display Logic to show or hide the answer choice within the question).
I believe I've gotten the scoring sorted (mostly) -- but need help figuring out how to apply a 'range' to Display Logic to show/hide based on the Proficiency Score. (i.e. if the score is between 5-9, then show. If not, then hide).
Am I on the right track (applying scoring, then embedded field to capture the score, then Display logic to show/hide?))?
I'm open to any suggestions! :)
Thank you!

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +27

Yes, you are on the right track. Pipe the score into an embedded data field (e.g., scoreEdf). Then display logic:
if scoreEdf Greater than or Equal to 5
AND scoreEdf Less than or Equal to 9

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