Using Qualtrics for a phone survey I am administering | XM Community
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Using Qualtrics for a phone survey I am administering

  • 4 September 2019
  • 6 replies

Hi! I want to use qualtrics to administer a phone survey where the information for the respondent is populated into the instrument so that the caller can see the name, address, etc. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks so much.

what we usually do is to upload the base and create a survey in which we display the embedded data fields in the first question. Then we create personal links and send those links to the caller, they click on the link and the can see the info and answer the survey in the platform
You could also do this through an authenticator where the authentication field is Phone number.

This would allow your interviewer to use one link for all surveys. They would then punch in the phone number when they reach a contact. And you can use Embedded Data and Piped Text to display the information you want.
Thank you for your responses! I am very new to qualtrics and have only used it to create online surveys. So please bear with me and let me define what we are using it for a little better.

We have a list of people that did not respond to our paper survey and so we are calling them to try and get them to take a shortened phone version.

Because qualtrics makes it easy to use skip patterns and moves through the survey easily, I wanted our technician to use this software.

I am hoping to populate the respondent business name, address, respondent name and phone number so that she can verify these when she calls (the first two) and knows who to call and how to reach them (2nd two). And so that the responses she gets are now linked to this respondent.

Do you think the above methods would work for this?

Thank you very very much!
I would normally go the way @bstrahin suggested, but since you want the phone number to populate for the person calling, I would recommend creating unique URLs for each business (see this page for help:

What will happen is the person doing the call will click a given link, the info you want will populate on their browser, they will call the business and do the survey with the business. Each response will be tied to that particular business.
Thank you! I was able to generate the links for each respondent but the info of each did not show up anywhere on the specific survey. Can you offer any advice on that?

Thanks one million percent!
You need to...

1. Include that in the mailing list you created

2. Create an embedded data block at the top of your survey flow.

3. Enter the name of the data you are pulling in from your mailing list (business name, phone number, etc.)

4. Pipe the embedded data into your survey where you want the survey "taker" to see them.

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