Van Westendorp Study Best Practices | XM Community

Van Westendorp Study Best Practices

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Hello community,

So I've just pushed out the standardized project for a Van Westendorp pricing study and I'm noticing some really bizarre behavior so far. This went to a verified group of our customers so it's not bot behavior BUT I'm seeing that some people are saying the same number for all four questions or having the too expensive be less than the expensive or the too inexpensive be more than the inexpensive.

Is this something all of you experience as well? How do you combat this? Do you exclude those responses as invalid or leave them in? I'm baffled.

4 replies

JenCX I cannot believe it... We can't be the only ones with this problem with Van Westendorp being such a established scale? Thank you anyway for the quick response!

Userlevel 7
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Franziska I ended up reviewing each response (ugh) and tagging the ones that seemed nonsensical and excluding them. I don't believe the survey project has any conditional response validation included, or at least it didn't when I was going running one in 2019.

Hey JenCX ,
I have the same problem - did you ever get a solution to the problem?

Userlevel 6
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Hi, @jpardicusick! I'm sorry that you are experiencing this behavior, as this does not sound like intended functionality. I would recommend reaching out to our Support Team so they can take a look into this with you! 😃

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