What happens when multiple collaborators are editing a survey at the same time? | XM Community

What happens when multiple collaborators are editing a survey at the same time?

  • 21 November 2019
  • 2 replies

I've shared a survey with a collaborator and I see that Qualtrics gives us a notification when we are both editing the survey at the same time ("Multiple people are editing this survey and you might impact each other's changes. Changes won’t be live until you select Publish.") It isn't clear, however, what is meant by "you might impact each other's changes." I had a few questions about this.

1. If we are editing different parts of the survey or survey flow, will both user's changes be saved and published, regardless of who publishes the survery?
2. If we are editing the same block or survey flow, whose changes will be saved?
3. When will changes made by one user show up on the version that the other user is looking at?


2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +15
Hi @cdmyers these are great questions. If you don't get an answer here, I'd suggest submitting to Qualtrics support. And then we'd really appreciate if you post their response here. 😉
Userlevel 6
Badge +27

After working with qualtrics i strongly recommend allowing to have several users working in the same project at the same time. For me the results have been that some changes aren't saved, in other cases some error messages as the survey is not sync appear and you end up losing time and going crazy with half made changes

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