PDF response report with only relevant questions? | XM Community

PDF response report with only relevant questions?

  • 28 September 2022
  • 8 replies

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Hi all, I'm wondering if there is a way to download a PDF of an individual's responses that only includes the questions/sections that were shown to them?
At the moment it includes all the other possible questions in grey, with 'This question was not shown to the respondent' after each one. It would be helpful to be able to produce a more concise version if possible!

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +36

Hello rrmamson
Unfortunately no, but if you want the respondents to download it for themselves.
You can customize the end of survey and enable the show response summary. The "Download PDF" option on that page does give you a print of the questions answered.
image.pngYou can write JS to push this PDF back in respondents response in a hidden question.
Hope this helps!

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Many thanks Deepak - I had seen about respondents being able to download this so it seemed a shame it wasn't available to survey creators!
Regarding writing JS to push the PDF into the respondent's response - would you be able to talk me through how to do that? I think I know how to do hidden questions but not sure how to get the PDF into one.

Userlevel 7
Badge +30

This might not be the most elegant or practical workaround, but it's worth pointing out. If you use the Email Tasks in Workflows and check the "Include Response Report" option, it will drop a link in the email message that downloads a PDF displaying only the questions that appeared to the respondent. You could set up the Workflow to send you an email each time someone submits the survey.

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MatthewM many thanks for the suggestion! That might actually work for my purposes reasonably well.
I'm having an issue though that when I include response report on the email task, it fails to send - without this ticked, it works fine, but as soon as I try to add on the report it stops working. Any idea why that might be? I think I have set it up like yours:

Userlevel 7
Badge +36

As correctly mentioned by MatthewM those are also great ways to get the response export to yourself. Along with those if you are facing an issue you can just include a link as well.
image.pngThe following support page should help you more on this.https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/actions-module/email-task/#ResponseReport

Hope this helps!

Userlevel 7
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https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/50109#Comment_50109Do you have a Brand Admin in your organization, or do you happen to be the Brand Admin yourself? The only reason I can think of why it would fail is because the "Receive a Response Report" option is not selected in the Organization Settings, which only a Brand Admin can change.

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Thanks Deepak and MatthewM - I did manage to get the response report option working in the end, by separating out the two conditions I had added into different workflows. For some reason that seemed to fix it! Thanks again for your suggestions

Userlevel 4
Badge +16

Deepak MatthewM Great job at tag-teaming and coming up with a working solution! I'm sure this post will help a lot of users with similar use-cases 👏

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