Deleted responses | XM Community

Deleted responses

  • 16 December 2022
  • 7 replies


I had a total of 80 responses in my survey. I deleted 2 responses because they didn't fit my criteria to be included in the data analysis. But, I did not select 'Decrement all quotas for deleted response.'
In the distributions tab, it still shows that I have 80 responses even though it's supposed to be 78. Even when I export the data onto an Excel file, it shows 80 responses. How do I fix this issue?

7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +38

How long have you waited? I feel like when I make changes in the Data & Analysis tab it can take a rather long time (several minutes) to re-index. If you did this right away it was probably still working to delete the two records you selected. Give it time and then refresh your page. If refreshing the page doesn't work, then you can try to refresh your account

  • Log in

  • In your home bar of the application to the far right there should be a circle with something that represents your account, for me that's a "B"

  • Click on it and select the "Refresh Account" option


Hey, thanks for the response! It's been about a month since then, and refreshing my account didn't work. It still shows 2 more responses than what I actually have. Is there any other way I can fix this?

Userlevel 7
Badge +33

Hi sb1 , you can do this task manually.
Go to Quota window, click on reset button of quota it will show zero. then click on set count. and replace 80 with 78 and then click Save and again click save on final quota tab. It will set as 78.



Userlevel 7
Badge +38

sb1 you can fix quotas the way ArunDubey mentioned. I am interested if the count in Data & Analysis is showing 80, does that mean when you download the records you are still getting 80 instead of the 78?
If so there are a few things I would try:

  1. Try deleting the record again, and if they don't refresh after 5 minutes move on to the next suggestion

  2. You can use a filter that get applies to the master level of your reports that exclude the two responses you don't want in (either base this on the responseID or add an Embedded Data Field something like Analyze=False for those two and Analyze=True for everything else)

  3. If you are still having issues and don't trust your data, reach out to Qualtrics Support directly to resolve why your two records are not deleting properly.

Userlevel 7
Badge +33

Hi bstrahin , I'm sure it is showing 78 on data and analysis tab. If you delete responses without selecting quota decrement option then it reduce the responses in D&A but not the quotas counts.
If response tab is showing 80 that means these 2 responses are still exist in Qualtrics db, means these responses were never deleted.

Userlevel 7
Badge +38 But the first question wasn't just around quotas. They said the download still showed 80 responses. I suppose there could have been a miscount as the download has two header rows instead of one. But occasionally the product glitches in processing requests and you need to retry. I had this happen when I was doing a series of deletions (double data entry by staff) and had to double check all requests for deletions processed correctly the first time. Just trying to give comprehensive options for addressing seeing 2 more responses than there actually are.

Userlevel 7
Badge +33

Yes bstrahin , I agree, and I was confused with first question then it triggered me that that query must be related to quota, not with the response.

Even I had also faced the same issue due to low internet bandwidth. I appreciate that you covered and described it well. Thanks much for sharing your knowledge 😇.

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