Display logic for embedded date not working | XM Community

Display logic for embedded date not working

  • 7 August 2023
  • 8 replies

Userlevel 3
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Hello! I´m trying to use display logic for embedded data, however it is not working and I can´t understand why. I have some questions like this one below (see image) that I only want them to appear if “__js__age” is equal ou above 18. However the question it is not appearing for anyone. 

As an alternative instead of using display logic funtionality I also tried to use javascript code for display logic and put the following code (but is still not working):

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() {
  var age1 = Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getJSEmbeddedData("__js_age");

  if (age1 !== null && age1 >= 18) {
    jQuery(this.questionId).show(); // Show the current question
  } else {
    jQuery(this.questionId).hide(); // Hide the current question

I also put some alerts for debuging purposes and when I run the survey a alert pops up saying “hiding question” or “showing question” (as it should) but in reality the question still appears. 
And yes, the embedded date is calculating right because I also put some alerts to check it. 

So I think the problem is on display logic.




Best answer by NiC 8 August 2023, 15:12

View original

8 replies

Userlevel 5
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Hi @aribeiro,
I’ve just tested it using the normal ‘display logic’ and it perfectly works for me.

In case you are going the JavaScript route, you could use 


instead of trying to hide the question.

Userlevel 5
Badge +15

Hi @aribeiro ,


Can you make sure that if there is any logic that you have in survey flow to populate the embedded data, it is above the question block?


Also, can you please make the embedded data of “NumberSet” type in survey flow?

Userlevel 3
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@Sowrabh1993 Hi! Yes it is above the question block. And I also tried to set as a number set but the same keeps happen.

Userlevel 3
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Yes, it should work on my survey it is just strange why it is not.

I´m going to try that! Thank you

Userlevel 7
Badge +27

Hi @aribeiro 

I think you might have missed the “#” selector in the JQuery code.

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function () {
let age1 = Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getJSEmbeddedData("__js_age");
let that = this;
if (age1 !== null && age1 >= 18) {
jQuery("#" + that.questionId).show(); // Show the current question
} else {
jQuery("#" + that.questionId).hide(); // Hide the current question


Also want to confirm are you using the Simple Layout, if so with simple layout it seem JQuery is not supported.

so your updated code should look something like this:

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() {
let age1 = Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getJSEmbeddedData("__js_age");
let that = this
if (age1 !== null && age1 >= 18) {
document.getElementById(that.questionId).style.display = "block" ; // Shows the current question
} else {
document.getElementById(that.questionId).style.display = "none" ; // Hide the current question


Userlevel 3
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Hi @NiC thank you so much for the updated code. And yes, I´m using Simple Layout. I just change the code for the one you gave me, however the question it is still appearing independently of age. 

So, now I added some alerts to see if it is storing the age in a correct way and if it is receiving the “hide or show” correctly. 

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() {

  let age1 = Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getJSEmbeddedData("__js_age");

  let that = this;


  alert("Age: " + age1); // Display current age in an alert


  if (age1 !== null && age1 >= 18) {

    alert("Display Logic Check: Showing Question"); // Display a message that the question should be shown

    document.getElementById("QID14").style.display = "block"; // Shows the question with ID QID14

  } else {

    alert("Display Logic Check: Hiding Question"); // Display a message that the question should be hidden

    document.getElementById("QID14").style.display = "none"; // Hide the question with ID QID14



I put this alerts. And when I run the preview of the screen this appears (picture below). It calculates the age as 19 (which is correct for the DOB I inserted) and it appears the alert of showing question (as it should). On another example the age 13, the alert says “hiding” (last image), however the question appears...



The alert says it should be hiding the question but the question is showing


Userlevel 7
Badge +27


just the mistake in my code the new layout has a new way in which tags are identified please find below the updated code

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function () {
let age1 = Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getJSEmbeddedData("__js_age");
let that = this;
if (age1 !== null && age1 >= 18) {
document.getElementById("question-" + that.questionId).style.display =
"block"; // Shows the current question
} else {
document.getElementById("question-" + that.questionId).style.display =
"none"; // Hide the current question



Userlevel 3
Badge +3

@NiC Thank you so much! It is working now and I tested multiple times! :)

Thank you again!

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