🔜 What Are You Looking Forward To | Badge of the Month | December 2020 | XM Community

🔜 What Are You Looking Forward To | Badge of the Month | December 2020

  • 30 November 2020
  • 31 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +13


During the first week of each month, we will post a new question, topic or activity for you to participate in and to help get the conversation going. Depending on the difficulty or complexity of the question / challenge, we will keep it open for 1 week or 2 weeks to ensure you have enough time to participate.
When the new Badge of the Month question / topic / activity is posted, please feel free to leave a comment and invite others in the community to join in the conversation! If you see an opinion you can relate to or would love to hear more about what that person thinks, feel free to engage with each other and ask additional questions. All community members who contribute to the post with a thoughtful comment, and engage with others will receive a badge. Each Badge of the Month post will indicate how long you have to respond to the post in order to receive the badge.


Participate in this month's discussion between December 1 and December 22 to receive this badge worth 10 points. If you miss out on responding to this post, don't worry, we plan to have a new question, topic, or activity every month so you can pop back in next time for your chance to participate, connect with others, and earn a badge!
Question: What are you looking forward to as we head in to 2021?
We're optimistic that things are looking up in the coming months, and that it may be safe to once again resume our 'normal' daily activities (of course, based on CDC guidelines 😊). Are you excited to reunite with your beloved desk or office space? Perhaps you're looking forward to getting back into your routine, or commuting to work? Are you planning to reunite with a loved one you haven't seen in 8+ months? Maybe you're really missing out on what some may call the simple things in life like going to the movies, running errands, hanging out with friends / relatives, or even just strolling up and down the aisles at the grocery store. No matter how small, we want to know what you're looking forward to in the new year.

31 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

I'll go first here - there are two BIG things I am looking forward to in 2021:

  1. A new Goldendoodle will be joining my family on December 18th, 2020. I look forward to the new experiences of raising an adorable puppy - during the winter months and beyond.

  2. I look forward to potentially reuniting with my significant other after 10+ months apart. It's been a long year, but I am thankful for FaceTime, his patience 😊, and our health over these past few months.

  3. Professionally, I am looking forward to new opportunities of growth for both myself and the XM Community.


Badge +8

Thanks for starting the conversation LaurenK. I an entering 2021 with great excitement. We are creating several new programs next year to help businesses in our region. Our office is gaining new insights both internally and externally (through Qualtrics surveys) with plans to integrate learning into our processes. I am excited about potentially starting a Ph.D. program (if anyone is on the forum with connections to Oklahoma State University business college, please reach out).
Out of all the exciting changes coming, I am most excited to meet with colleagues and clients in person again. While I know January 1 will not bring immediate changes, I am confident the new year will offer more opportunities to meet face to face.


What I am looking forward to most in 2021 is being able to travel to see my mom and brother. We usually go for Christmas, but with COVID increasing I am concerned about flying, being around all the people at the airports and potentially bringing it to mom, who is elderly. Hoping for a spring/summer trip. I would also like to increase my knowledge of survey design and analysis of results.


Entering 2021, I think I am just looking for a little return to normalcy. In some ways, it has felt like life has been on pause for much of the year and living in this fantasy of not leaving the house. It will be refreshing to be around people again without feeling worried and enjoying spending time with friends I have not been able to see this year. Professionally, I am hoping to increase my knowledge of data analysis and survey design as well.


Entering 2021, I would like to upscale my knowledge and comes up with some industry specific innovations. 2020 has posted challenges to all the industries globally in one or another way and also changed the lives of millions of people. A lot of them has already lost their jobs and projects hung up for some of them. I wish, we can do a little more for the society in the coming year.
Hope for the best. Cheers!


I, like all of us, are looking to return to normalcy both Professionally and personally.
As we transition to a new year, I want to take the experiences of the past year and turn those lessons of life into positive motivation to make a difference in the lives of the people I serve.
I want to lead with more empathy and understanding, getting to know people better before rushing to judgement.
Now, more than ever before, the people in our circle of influence need to come together to celebrate our differences and unite as a group of individuals working together to make each other look good in the eyes of those we interact with everyday.
Everyone now has a story to tell and It's my goal to really get to know their story to understand who they are so we can be better together in 2021.
Glad you asked this question, That's about it for now.
All the best - Be the difference!

Userlevel 6
Badge +45

I am excited and hopeful that I'll get to go to my cousin's wedding in 2021. He was supposed to get married in October 2020, but chose to delay the wedding due to covid. If he has the wedding in 2021 it will mean a cross-country road trip to New Mexico and a chance to reunite with family and friends I haven't seen since well before covid began.
In addition to that, I REALLY hope that it will be safe to eat out at restaurants again. I didn't realize how much I missed it, even though I don't do it often. And I would LOVE it if we could eventually go back to in-person conferences (though I'm not sure it will be in 2021).

Userlevel 5
Badge +31

Hopefully a transition to normalcy while embracing some of the new lifestyle behaviors that we were forced into this year. Things such as teleworking and the rapid adoption of technology to replace outdate systems. The importance of family and friends. Personal wellness and embracing the unexpected.
Oh! and hopefully TRAVELING AGAIN!!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +38

I am hopeful that the next school year our children will be able to attend in person. It has been hard watching a 6, 7, and 9 year old try to learn online. They and their teachers are doing their best, but we worry about the development of their social skills and retention of information. I know a lot families are thankful for the extra time together (as we are), but there's a flip side of too much togetherness. It will be nice to have a break from the high energy that young children seem to have and to hear stories about them having fun with friends again. Some separation between family-work-and school again would be lovely.

Userlevel 4
Badge +19

Here's to a return to normalcy in 2021, or whenever it may come. Getting back to the office will be nice, if only for the ping pong table and coffee machine chats with coworkers. 😄 Safe traveling to in-person conferences like X4 would be icing on the cake! On a more personal note, I hope to be able to see my grandmother and give her a hug. Until then, I am thankful she is healthy and near enough for a window visit!

Userlevel 7
Badge +56

Like many here I'm looking forward to some form of "normalcy" in 2021, whatever that means. I also look forward to bringing to that "normalcy" the things we have learned during the pandemic: the empathy that we have for those at the front lines, and the struggles that all of us have in dealing with the unprecedented world in which we have lived in 2020; and not taking personal and in-person interactions with family, friends, colleagues, and the world at large for granted. We've also learned that "experience" means many different things to different people.
I also hope that as we see a transition in our government, that we move forward with a renewed sense of community and embrace the idea of building a society that works for all of us, regardless of who we are, the beliefs we hold, what we look like, or who we love.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

I'm looking forward to being annoyed again. Whether it was street vendors shoving things your face, or people hovering over your head at coffee shops to grab your table or that old neighborhood couple, who always had tonnes of advice, the moment one said hi. Somehow, I miss these things.
But I want them to return not just for me, but also to reduce the unemployment and loneliness of these people.

Userlevel 5
Badge +15

I am hoping that things will be close enough to normal in 2021 that I will be able to make a trip to see my parents and my sister's family, which includes my two little nieces. They have had a hard time understanding why it is so impossible for me to see them right now!
But I actually think I am most looking forward to some of the smaller things, especially grocery shopping and enjoying our small town. I miss being able to peruse the aisles at the grocery store or walk down our main street, popping in to shops that seem interesting.
And finally, I guess I'm also looking forward to a "new normal" where I get to work from home more regularly!

Userlevel 7
Badge +38

https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/comment/32373#Comment_32373ClairJ I can relate to missing my young nieces! I have one that will turn 3 in summer and the other is going to be one at the end of January. I miss cuddling them and spoiling them. It's so hard when they are in town but I can't go over to see them. And I get super jealous of their daycare teachers who get to see them during this time. The almost three year old misses everyone. Her parents do a good job of showing her pictures every day so she will recognize us. Sometimes I get videos from her saying how much she wants us to visit her and it is heart breaking. All we can do is send videos back. Christmas is sad this year, I will drop off their presents at the door but will miss being there to see them play with them & getting in on the fun myself (hopefully I will get a good video of them playing in the ball pit I got them - and their parent don't get too mad about the 400 balls to fill it 😊)

On a personal level I am looking forward to continuing my journey to health by kick starting my new weight training regime. I am also looking forward to seeing my oldest graduate high school and take his step towards adulthood.
Professionally, I am looking forward to a return to in-person collaborative efforts and what new trends will bring in 2021


I am extremely excited to be able to welcome back my youngest son from deployment to the Middle East in early February. He is an officer in the Army and has been deployed since early January of this year. My husband is an Air Force retiree and I've been through MANY deployments as wife. As a Mom, it is vastly different.
Professionally, I am excited to just keep growing in knowledge. This is my 32nd year in education and I never tire of learning.

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

I am looking forward to going back home and travelling when things get better and all international borders open with good flight connectivity.. Living 8hr flight away from home and not able to visit them throughout the year and especially during these times was not the most exciting thing for the year. So in 2021 I am looking forward to meeting my friends and family in my hometown...

Userlevel 3
Badge +9

2020 has been hard but I think a people-first mentality has helped with many of the things I see us all commenting on: working remotely, rapid adoption of technology, importance of family and friends, and wellbeing. I am thankful to everyone for their hard work, excellence, and support in these times. I also look forward to changing the Golden Rule (treat others as you would treat yourself) for the Platinum Rule (treat others as they wish to be treated).


Hello everyone! I´m colombian and I´m so excited to join the community with my CX latin view.
In 2021, I´m looking forward to increasing my skills and CX resources in orden to continue establishing the CX process in the Company that I have been working since 2019.
From a post pandemic perspective, I really want to keep some habits that I get during this period: I have been more discipline with meditation, reading and exercise. One of the 2020 achievements was reclaimed time for my self.

Userlevel 4
Badge +21

One thing that was painful in 2020 was not attending High School sporting events this past fall. There is just something about Friday Night Lights and the excitement of High School Athletics. From the young athletes, the marching band, the cheerleaders, the students in the crowd and most of all the community feeling. This was the largest community absence this past year. SO, for 2021 I am most looking forward to attending the High School Sporting events.


Looking ahead 2021, I'm really expecting travel amongst countries can resume very soon. Secondly, I am planning to further enhance my CX credentials to cater for the adoption of CXM in Boradroom; and look forward to joining Qualtrics team very soon.

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

I'm looking forward to Covid being something in the past. I miss playing sports, miss more free human interaction, teaching in person, coaching in person. i look forward to being with people vs. Zooming with them! Especially seeing my 1 year old grandchild and my two married children who live too far away to drive to visit!

Userlevel 7
Badge +61

Getting my next Qualtrics certification finalized.
Had basic Qualtrics skills to begin with but when out Qualtrics admin got an offer he couldn't refuse I had my own little baptism of fire with Qualtrics and I came up on top and looking forward to learning more.

Badge +6

I am personally looking forward to getting my side hustle better organized and realizing my vision for it. I really want to have a dedicated house space for it. I am also longing for the days of eating out and movies on the weekend...

Userlevel 7
Badge +26

As most here, I'm looking forward to the end of the covid-pandemic. It's been hard, living in a "1,5 meter society" as we call it here. I miss going to the office and having a chat at the coffee machine, having lunch together, meeting new colleagues, ... Though I don't miss the traffic jams that go with it xD
I'm also looking forward to be able to finally catch up with all the delayed birthday-, graduation- and holiday-parties with friends and family. Yes, there are some cool digital ways of connecting and celebrating together, but my granny for example does not have a computer/internet so I haven't seen her in a long time (only heard her on the phone).

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