Assistance Needed: Mapping Value from Hidden HTML Element to Qualtrics Embedded Data Field | XM Community

Assistance Needed: Mapping Value from Hidden HTML Element to Qualtrics Embedded Data Field

  • 5 June 2023
  • 1 reply

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I am currently facing an issue with integrating a Qualtrics feedback pop-up survey button on our website. I have encountered a challenge when attempting to map a value from a hidden HTML element on our website to an Embedded Data field in the Qualtrics survey.

Here are the specific details of the situation:

  1. We have successfully implemented the Qualtrics feedback pop-up survey button on our website, and it is functioning as intended.
  2. Within our website, we have a hidden HTML element that contains a value we would like to capture and map to an Embedded Data field in the Qualtrics survey.
  3. The hidden HTML element is dynamically populated with a value based on user interactions on our website.
  4. We would like to pass this value from the hidden HTML element to the Qualtrics survey as an Embedded Data field so that we can analyze it alongside the survey responses.

We have attempted to explore potential solutions on our own, but we are currently facing difficulties in achieving this desired functionality. We are not sure how to retrieve the value from the hidden HTML element and pass it to the Embedded Data field in the Qualtrics survey.

We kindly request your guidance and expertise in helping us find a solution to this challenge. Could you please provide us with step-by-step instructions or code snippets that demonstrate how to extract the value from the hidden HTML element and map it to the Embedded Data field within the Qualtrics survey?

Your assistance will be greatly appreciated, as it will enable us to enhance our data collection and analysis process. Thank you in advance for your support.

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