Text above matrix table full width | XM Community

Text above matrix table full width

  • 23 April 2024
  • 4 replies

Badge +3

Hey community,

I use a matrix table but the text above the matrix table has unintended line breaks (see picture attached).

How can I make this text full table width?




4 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

Hi @lamori ,


Your question seems rather similar to another post here.
Perhaps you can try if that solution works.

Badge +3

Hi @Chee Heng_SZ,


Thank you!


In my case the default matrix table was too wide and I used the following command to make it more narrow:

.Skin .QuestionOuter.Matrix{
max-width: 80%;

Yet, even without the command, the text above the matrix table is still not full width. Not sure where the problem is here..

Do you or others have another idea?

Userlevel 4
Badge +9

Hi @Chee Heng_SZ , You can try with below code:


<div style="width: 100%; text-align: center;">Your text here</div>

Thank you!

Badge +3

@Nanditha MM, thank you! Unfortunately, your suggestions also not yield to the desired result.

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