Dashboard Filter: Forced to enter exact match, want partial matches? Is this possible? | XM Community

Dashboard Filter: Forced to enter exact match, want partial matches? Is this possible?

  • 21 February 2024
  • 2 replies

Badge +2

Basic question. My keyword dashboard filter is forcing exact matches instead of letting me search partials.  For example, we have a Data Reference Record “David 12345”.  If I search “12345”, it does not pull up the record.  Is it possible to search partial matches?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

You should change the field type to open text, the you can add a filter of contains. This should do partial matches.

Badge +2

You should change the field type to open text, the you can add a filter of contains. This should do partial matches.

Thanks ahmedA...that solved my issue.  I had to figure out where to set it as “open text”, so for anybody else facing this issue, here are the general steps I took.

  1.  Click to “Edit” your dashboard
  2.  Click the “+” plus sign, to add a new filter. 
  3.  A long pulldown list will show up.  Click on the first one, “Advanced Filter”.
  4.  After chooing the question/metadata/etc, click on “Insert new condition”, and these change the pulldown to “contains”.

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