XM Community Customer Spotlight: Sachin Nandikol 💜 | XM Community

XM Community Customer Spotlight: Sachin Nandikol 💜

  • 27 February 2024
  • 10 replies
XM Community Customer Spotlight: Sachin Nandikol 💜
Userlevel 7
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XM Community Spotlight: Sachin Nandikol 💜


@Sachin Nandikol is a Level 5 XM Community member. Sachin enjoys helping fellow XM Community members in the Custom Code and Survey Platform category, among others, and has solved many questions for customers here on our Community! 

Sachin is a CX expert, and also happens to be a Qualtrics Partner. 

Questions or comments for Sachin? Post them in the comments! 

10 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +32

Thank you @Sachin Nandikol for being the first XM Community member to be featured in this series! 🎉

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

What a great way to get to know other customers. So glad to foster relationships this way.

@Sachin Nandikol what do you think are the top 3 things people overlook in CX programs today? Curious to hear your thoughts.

Userlevel 3
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Impressed by Level 5, @Sachin Nandikol!

I am beginning my CX journey. Would like to hear more about how you got started in this field, and your path to Qualtrics.

Userlevel 6
Badge +22

What a great way to get to know other customers. So glad to foster relationships this way.

@Sachin Nandikol what do you think are the top 3 things people overlook in CX programs today? Curious to hear your thoughts.

Hello @egreenberg,

Nice to e-meet you!

Identifying the top three overlooked aspects of Qualtrics CX programs can vary depending on individual perspectives and specific program needs. Here are three commonly neglected areas, as per my perspective:

  1. Survey Design and Structure Optimization: Often, organizations focus heavily on gathering feedback but may overlook the importance of designing surveys effectively. This includes considering question wording, question order, survey length, and overall user experience. A poorly designed survey can lead to respondent fatigue, incomplete responses, or biased data, ultimately affecting the quality of insights gained.

  2. Actionable Insights Implementation: While collecting feedback is essential, many organizations struggle with effectively translating this data into actionable insights and tangible improvements. This involves not only analyzing feedback but also developing clear action plans based on those insights and ensuring they are implemented across the organization. Without a robust plan for action, feedback can remain underutilized, and the potential for driving meaningful change is lost.

  3. Continuous Program Optimization and Evolution: A successful CX program requires ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and adaptation. Some organizations may overlook the importance of continually refining their CX program to stay aligned with evolving customer needs, market trends, and organizational goals. This includes regularly reviewing survey metrics, feedback trends, and program effectiveness, as well as being open to experimenting with new approaches and technologies to enhance the overall CX strategy.

Userlevel 6
Badge +22

Thank you @Sachin Nandikol for being the first XM Community member to be featured in this series! 🎉

Thank you @Michael_Cooksey 

Userlevel 6
Badge +22

Impressed by Level 5, @Sachin Nandikol!

I am beginning my CX journey. Would like to hear more about how you got started in this field, and your path to Qualtrics.

Hello @GabrielleH,


As a newcomer to the CX realm, my journey began with a genuine interest in understanding customer experiences. Over the past couple of years, I've grown professionally, particularly since joining Qualtrics. Initially, I immersed myself in learning the fundamentals of CX, gradually gaining hands-on experience and expertise. My path to Qualtrics involved seizing opportunities for growth, continuous learning, and leveraging the platform's innovative tools to enhance customer experiences. I'm eager to share insights from my journey and learn from yours as we navigate the dynamic world of CX together. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +3

Impressed by Level 5, @Sachin Nandikol!

I am beginning my CX journey. Would like to hear more about how you got started in this field, and your path to Qualtrics.

Hello @GabrielleH,


As a newcomer to the CX realm, my journey began with a genuine interest in understanding customer experiences. Over the past couple of years, I've grown professionally, particularly since joining Qualtrics. Initially, I immersed myself in learning the fundamentals of CX, gradually gaining hands-on experience and expertise. My path to Qualtrics involved seizing opportunities for growth, continuous learning, and leveraging the platform's innovative tools to enhance customer experiences. I'm eager to share insights from my journey and learn from yours as we navigate the dynamic world of CX together. 

Thank you for sharing your story, it’s genuinely inspiring for me. CX is such an overlooked practice, and my hope is that globally companies will start paying more attention to this. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

@Sachin Nandikol I am working on both EX and CX. What are your thoughts on how the two areas overlap with each other? Thanks for considering my question.

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

What a great way to get to know other customers. So glad to foster relationships this way.

@Sachin Nandikol what do you think are the top 3 things people overlook in CX programs today? Curious to hear your thoughts.

Hello @egreenberg,

Nice to e-meet you!

Identifying the top three overlooked aspects of Qualtrics CX programs can vary depending on individual perspectives and specific program needs. Here are three commonly neglected areas, as per my perspective:

  1. Survey Design and Structure Optimization: Often, organizations focus heavily on gathering feedback but may overlook the importance of designing surveys effectively. This includes considering question wording, question order, survey length, and overall user experience. A poorly designed survey can lead to respondent fatigue, incomplete responses, or biased data, ultimately affecting the quality of insights gained.

  2. Actionable Insights Implementation: While collecting feedback is essential, many organizations struggle with effectively translating this data into actionable insights and tangible improvements. This involves not only analyzing feedback but also developing clear action plans based on those insights and ensuring they are implemented across the organization. Without a robust plan for action, feedback can remain underutilized, and the potential for driving meaningful change is lost.

  3. Continuous Program Optimization and Evolution: A successful CX program requires ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and adaptation. Some organizations may overlook the importance of continually refining their CX program to stay aligned with evolving customer needs, market trends, and organizational goals. This includes regularly reviewing survey metrics, feedback trends, and program effectiveness, as well as being open to experimenting with new approaches and technologies to enhance the overall CX strategy.

Thank you so much for the in depth reply! I also see the importance of number 2 and feel this is critically overlooked. It’s not enough to collect data, that is the easy part. The work comes when you action the data you collect and change can be hard. Feedback can also be hard to digest for many.

Thank you again @Sachin Nandikol 

Userlevel 6
Badge +22

@Sachin Nandikol I am working on both EX and CX. What are your thoughts on how the two areas overlap with each other? Thanks for considering my question.

Hello @JeffDavis,

When you work on both EX and CX, you might notice that they connect in some ways. For example, happy employees often lead to better customer experiences and good customer experiences can make employees feel proud of their work. It's important to understand and improve both to create a positive overall impact.

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