How am I able to number participants in a survey from 1, 2, 3 etc | XM Community
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I am trying to keep track of individual respondents so need to have a tracking system, so later their survey answers can be linked with interviews (if participant agrees to take part in an interview).
Hello @stitch ,

Please see this page

Note: The above solution will assign random id and not in the Sequence.

You can check this solution if it helps
Hi @stitch

If you don't want to assign random number but in the order they take survey you can use Quotas . Here's how:

1. Set a simple quota with name say"RespondentCount" (with number for quota set to number higher than expected number of respondents)on a condition which will be true for all respondents, like option 1 of question 1 is displayed.

2. Set the action for quota to "none" then your quota screen should look something like this !

3. Now go to survey flow add an embedded variable say "respondentNumber" and pipe in the count or met as shown in the image below!

And this will allow you to assign a unique number to each respondent that you can refer later.

Hope this Helps 🙂
Sounds good, but I will have to see how I go with it

Select Respondentcount-> count cause I tried this and Respondentcount->met wasn't giving me a numeric value!

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