Hi there, I’m trying to do something I felt would be simple and has lead me into a fun but time-consuming rabbit hole! I’m piping choices from a multi-select into questions asking respondents to categorize them from a predetermined list of categories. The JS below works as intended.
My issue comes in with data analysis: we want to know out of those who chose each option, what category do they see it fitting in… Based on what I’ve done below, it's impossible to know what choice they picked from Q1 when looking at the data export for Q2-4; Q2-4 in the data export shows me the answer, but there’s nothing that indicates what text was piped in (unless you do it manually...). This survey will be over 200 responses.
Is there a way to record the response from Q1 and associate it with the answer in Q2-4?
Is there another (more efficient) way to approach this?
Other information: we don’t need to know anything with ranking (1st choice vs 3rd choice). We’re having them select the 3 most appealing options out of 9, and then asking further questions about those chosen. I’m trying to keep it under 15 minutes, so I’d prefer to not have them categorize all options. I have considered 3 versions of Q1, but I feel it makes the survey confusing and bulky.
The example below is for illustrative purposes and is not the text being used in the survey:
Q1: Pick your favorite 3 animals:
- Dog
- Koala
- Moose
- Lobster
- Shrimp
--- Page Break ---
For the next section, you’ll answer based on your previous choices. (JS embedded here, see below)
var choice="${q://QID1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}";
var choice_split=choice.split(",");
var choice_1= choice_split[0];
var choice_2= choice_split[1];
var choice_3= choice_split[2];
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('Animal_1', choice_1);
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('Animal_2', choice_2);
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('Animal_3', choice_3);
--- Page Break ---
How would you describe each of your choices?
Q2: ${e://Field/Animal_1}
- Cute
- Ugly
- Fun
Q3: ${e://Field/Animal_2}
- Cute
- Ugly
- Fun
Q4: ${e://Field/Animal_3}
- Cute
- Ugly
- Fun
This is only my second survey in qualtrics so any help or thoughts on approach would be greatly appreciated!